Candidates Seeking Admission to
B. Sc (Engineering) in CSE Program
Batch # 47th, Session: Spring, 2025
Date of Admission Test-25/02/2025
Following applicants (155 applicants in merit list) are selected for admission to the B. Sc (Engineering) in CSE Program. They are requested to complete all admission formalities by April 10, 2025. Amount to be paid for admission and first semester fees of total Tk. 58,120 (Fifty Eight Thousand and One Hundred Twenty Taka Only).
Tk. 58,120 (Fifty Eight Thousand and One Hundred Twenty Taka Only) in cash shall have to be deposited to any branch of United Commercial Bank Limited (Account No: 1422301000000310) with the prescribed pay slip issued from Accounts/Student Affairs office of Premier University by April 10, 2025.
Students must submit their admit card (Original Copy) to the Accounts/Student Affairs Office to receive their pay slip for admission at 541, O.R Nizam Road, GEC Circle, Panchlaish, Chattogram.
The Orientation class of 47th Batch will be held on May 24, 2025 at Academic Building # 4 (Hazarilane).
B. Sc (Engineering) in CSE Program
Roll Nos. (Merit List)
2009 | 1894 | 2086 | 2020 | 265 | 1420 | 1825 | 2004 |
2010 | 2017 | 2043 | 102500358 | 261 | 1895 | 1896 | 2027 |
102500359 | 1418 | 2044 | 102500343 | 263 | 2055 | 102500330 | 1868 |
1889 | 2033 | 2034 | 2002 | 2021 | 2077 | 2069 | 102500339 |
270 | 271 | 1871 | 2006 | 1898 | 2016 | 1413 | 1859 |
1893 | 2046 | 2061 | 102500352 | 1411 | 1421 | 1886 | 2008 |
2012 | 2073 | 1826 | 1843 | 1873 | 1885 | 2059 | 2066 |
102500323 | 102500345 | 102500347 | 1417 | 1419 | 1846 | 2014 | 2028 |
2053 | 2088 | 1858 | 2037 | 1823 | 1887 | 102500348 | 1869 |
1878 | 102500350 | 102500361 | 1414 | 1854 | 1877 | 1890 | 2082 |
2019 | 2030 | 2032 | 2039 | 2047 | 2068 | 102500333 | 102500355 |
1818 | 1860 | 2001 | 2015 | 2025 | 2036 | 102500338 | 102500351 |
1882 | 1897 | 2024 | 2064 | 2092 | 1822 | 1881 | 102500356 |
1817 | 2067 | 269 | 1415 | 1856 | 2057 | 2085 | 273 |
1841 | 1852 | 272 | 1849 | 2007 | 2087 | 102500331 | 267 |
1853 | 2023 | 2031 | 2078 | 102500335 | 1834 | 1848 | 2074 |
2094 | 102500336 | 1824 | 1875 | 2052 | 2084 | 102500357 | 1857 |
1879 | 2090 | 1835 | 1839 | 1855 | 1880 | 2045 | 2063 |
2076 | 2083 | 102500346 | 2022 | 2011 | 2040 | 2048 | 2049 |
2072 | 2091 | 102500344 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Waiting List
Students of the waiting list are asked to contact office of the Student’s Affairs from
April 13, 2025 to April 24, 2025.
1840 | 1883 | 2051 | 102500342 | 1872 | 1884 | 1891 | 2093 |
102500349 | 102500353 | 1830 | 1845 | 2071 | 102500334 | 2054 | 1888 |
102500360 | 266 | 1416 | 1870 | 2062 | 2038 | 1838 | 2035 |
2070 | 2081 | 1832 | 1864 | 102500354 | 2095 | 2089 | --- |
Premier University
Notice for Candidates Seeking Admission to B. Sc (Engineering) in CSE Program Batch # 47th, Session: Spring, 2025 Date of Admission Test-25/02/2025
Read MoreNOTICE Faculty of Business Studies Chattogram Date of Admission Test: February 24, 2025 Publication of Result: February 25, 2025 BBA (4-Year) Admission Test Result
Read MoreNotice for Candidates seeking Admission to B. A. (Honors) in English Program Batch: 46 Session: Spring 2025
Read MoreNotice for Candidates Seeking Admission to B.Sc (Engineering) in EEE Program Batch-36, Session: Spring 2025
Read MoreAdmission Test Result and Admission Notice LL.B.(Honors) Spring 2025 56th Batch
Read MoreAdmission Test Result and Admission Notice Program: LL.B.(Honors) Session: Spring 2025 Batch: 56th
Read MoreNotice for the Result of the Examination Program: LL.M. 1st Semester Session: Spring 2024 (OBE) Semester Final Examination, August 2024
Read MoreWednesday, 26 February, 2025
Candidates Seeking Admission to
B. Sc (Engineering) in CSE Program
Batch # 47th, Session: Spring, 2025
Date of Admission Test-25/02/2025
Following applicants (155 applicants in merit list) are selected for admission to the B. Sc (Engineering) in CSE Program. They are requested to complete all admission formalities by April 10, 2025. Amount to be paid for admission and first semester fees of total Tk. 58,120 (Fifty Eight Thousand and One Hundred Twenty Taka Only).
Tk. 58,120 (Fifty Eight Thousand and One Hundred Twenty Taka Only) in cash shall have to be deposited to any branch of United Commercial Bank Limited (Account No: 1422301000000310) with the prescribed pay slip issued from Accounts/Student Affairs office of Premier University by April 10, 2025.
Students must submit their admit card (Original Copy) to the Accounts/Student Affairs Office to receive their pay slip for admission at 541, O.R Nizam Road, GEC Circle, Panchlaish, Chattogram.
The Orientation class of 47th Batch will be held on May 24, 2025 at Academic Building # 4 (Hazarilane).
B. Sc (Engineering) in CSE Program
Roll Nos. (Merit List)
2009 | 1894 | 2086 | 2020 | 265 | 1420 | 1825 | 2004 |
2010 | 2017 | 2043 | 102500358 | 261 | 1895 | 1896 | 2027 |
102500359 | 1418 | 2044 | 102500343 | 263 | 2055 | 102500330 | 1868 |
1889 | 2033 | 2034 | 2002 | 2021 | 2077 | 2069 | 102500339 |
270 | 271 | 1871 | 2006 | 1898 | 2016 | 1413 | 1859 |
1893 | 2046 | 2061 | 102500352 | 1411 | 1421 | 1886 | 2008 |
2012 | 2073 | 1826 | 1843 | 1873 | 1885 | 2059 | 2066 |
102500323 | 102500345 | 102500347 | 1417 | 1419 | 1846 | 2014 | 2028 |
2053 | 2088 | 1858 | 2037 | 1823 | 1887 | 102500348 | 1869 |
1878 | 102500350 | 102500361 | 1414 | 1854 | 1877 | 1890 | 2082 |
2019 | 2030 | 2032 | 2039 | 2047 | 2068 | 102500333 | 102500355 |
1818 | 1860 | 2001 | 2015 | 2025 | 2036 | 102500338 | 102500351 |
1882 | 1897 | 2024 | 2064 | 2092 | 1822 | 1881 | 102500356 |
1817 | 2067 | 269 | 1415 | 1856 | 2057 | 2085 | 273 |
1841 | 1852 | 272 | 1849 | 2007 | 2087 | 102500331 | 267 |
1853 | 2023 | 2031 | 2078 | 102500335 | 1834 | 1848 | 2074 |
2094 | 102500336 | 1824 | 1875 | 2052 | 2084 | 102500357 | 1857 |
1879 | 2090 | 1835 | 1839 | 1855 | 1880 | 2045 | 2063 |
2076 | 2083 | 102500346 | 2022 | 2011 | 2040 | 2048 | 2049 |
2072 | 2091 | 102500344 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Waiting List
Students of the waiting list are asked to contact office of the Student’s Affairs from
April 13, 2025 to April 24, 2025.
1840 | 1883 | 2051 | 102500342 | 1872 | 1884 | 1891 | 2093 |
102500349 | 102500353 | 1830 | 1845 | 2071 | 102500334 | 2054 | 1888 |
102500360 | 266 | 1416 | 1870 | 2062 | 2038 | 1838 | 2035 |
2070 | 2081 | 1832 | 1864 | 102500354 | 2095 | 2089 | --- |
Premier University